Kamis, 29 Juni 2023

Reading Corner in the interior and corner of Gebangarum village by KKN group of Sultan Agung Islamic University Semarang.

Reading is a verb form in which the process is to see a writing or series of letters arranged neatly and patterned. The reading is divided into two, namely: reading aloud and reading silently. Reading aloud can be called reading in public or reading out loud. Meanwhile, reading silently is reading carefully; mostly, this method is done to be able to better understand and understand the purpose and purpose of a reading that is read. Reading is one of the methods of language. Because by reading you can get new information and also new vocabulary. Reading activities can be started from a young age, which starts with learning to recognize letters and then spelling and composing words. As in the context of learning and teaching at home or outside the home, such as school or an adequate environment. What must be developed so that reading becomes a global lantern of life starts from an environment that likes to read. Recently there has been a routine from the Semarang Islamic campus, UNNISULA, which organizes KKN or Real Work for all 6th-semester students. The work program they do is the Reading Corner which is carried out for students and also residents of the surrounding environment.

This activity is in the form of reading together, sharing knowledge, and also holding some fun games in the theme of reading activities. It was held in Gebangarum village, Demak, Central Java. 4 KKN groups contributed to this village. (02/02) On the third day, they filled the activities with a variety of activities that were enough to make the reading corner or library corner crowded. There is no fatigue because they are happy to be able to teach knowledge directly in the field. They are starting by meeting with the children of grade 1 students of MI Riyadhotus Syubban, which is very interesting and joyful. The lack of teaching aids is not an obstacle for them in the procession of teaching and learning in the reading corner. If you are interested in participating in volunteer service as in this real work activity, you are very welcome. Because the corners of rural villages need competent and insightful teachers, this makes real work activities an alternative to contributing knowledge for students. In this activity, namely the reading corner, a mobile library is also implemented; their program is exceeded so that students can increase their interest in reading and creativity by providing pictures of storybook books and making picture collages while directing and having fun.

Reading creativity must be cultivated from an early age. This event was a success because of the enthusiasm of the children, who were very excited about making our object a book lover. If you want to go deeper, here are some things to know when undergoing KKN where we must be balanced in carrying out work programs, including always being alert in activities, being able to synchronize personality or professionalism, and being able to be mentally and physically, of course. The following things may be trivial but are of great value to the residents who are the target of the activity. The reading corner seems to be growing rapidly, said Sukna Fiddini, one of the participants or student organizers of KKN in Gebangarum village. Because of the enthusiasm of those who are tireless and very friendly in participating in activities, this reading corner project has become the number 2 most favorite proker reference by residents. Make sure if you want to participate in this activity; you must survey the location to be addressed first to synchronize the area and also the community environment. Make sure you are also really solemn and sincere in carrying out the mandate of the agency. Of course, it is beneficial for now and in the future.

Rabu, 21 Juni 2023

The Occurrence of Many Controversial Religious Deviations in the Al-Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, Indramayu

Religion is referred to as a system that regulates beliefs and worship of God as well as rules related to customs, and a worldview that connects humans to the order of life, spiritually.  The practice of religion can be influenced by local customs. From time to time such as the entry of Islam into the country of Indonesia originating from the East through socialization or da'wah trade raises religion it is something that gradually maintains its faith in a belief.  The number of religions that may have organized behavior, especially in the body and soul of the Indonesian homeland makes its diversity. But who knows the majority of religion in Indonesia is Islam which in Islam in Indonesia prioritizes the presence of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah which codifies the procedures of the Sunnah Rosul in order not to be misunderstood. This is guided directly by many scholars such as MUI and NU organizations. 

K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari is a homeland figure who founded the NU (Nahdatul Ulama) organization on December 31, 1926. NU is the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia. NU has played an important role in shaping Muslim identity in the country with tolerant teachings. Nahdatul itself means 'rise' or 'move', while Ulama means scholars or religious leaders. In this case, the meaning of Nahdatul Ulama is 'Awakening of the Ulama'. Over time NU has become a spark and foundation for Islam in Indonesia. Of course, other organizations accompany it as well, namely Muhammadiyah, which is not much different from the organization's belief system in Indonesia. However, who would have thought that there are still many other deviant organizations that do not obey Ahlu Sunnah Wal jamaah? As is rampant and the trend in the new era is the deviation in the boarding school in Indramayu, Al Zaytun. 
It is known that Al Zaytun is one of the boarding schools led by Panji Gumilang, a religious figure who is directly involved in the education and education of students at the Al Zaytun boarding school. The rise of worship procedures that look strange comes from their official Channel Youtube and also several lectures from leaders who are considered irrational. Resulting in a lot of controversy over heretical teachings in the education of students at the boarding school. The return of students was simultaneous because many parents of students were afraid of the heretical teachings taught by them. The wonder is that this college has been running for a long time.
Deviant issues in Al Zaytun boarding school include:
1. The permissibility of Zina; This was reported from one of the leader's lectures on their youtube channel.
2. Mixing the rows or shaf of congregational prayer between men and women. Whereas this is very contrary to the teachings of Islamic law, except for the difference in shaf
3. The existence of mixed worship when someone who is Christian follows the prayer line with different worship.
4. And the existence of their songs and marches that are known and considered as greetings to Jews.
And many more.

However, the government has not executed the case of religious deviation. Reporting from the college's website Al Zaytun can also be read. As a result, parents who intend to send their children to school to focus on gaining knowledge and also worship become unfocused and even anxious about the teachings explained and given to the students. The importance of re-examining boarding schools based on Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaah is a criterion for education that is more qualified spiritually religious. The recommendation for Islamic boarding schools that are qualified in Islamic religious worship is the East Java region such as; Lirboyo, Tebu Ireng, Al Anwar Sarang, and Gontor.

Jumat, 02 Juni 2023

Prioritizing The Interests of The Hereafter for Eternal Happiness

Knowledge in life is something that we need to prioritize. Being a good person, easy to interact with, making a positive environment, and causing things to be happy when seen by many points of view is a person's authority. There are not many people who try to be authoritative but do not know the essence. One's authority is to be recognized, not acknowledged. The same goes for intelligence and intelligence. The intelligence possessed by a scientist is also present because of hard work and the intended results of efforts so far. Which makes the element of persistence the background and even the foundation of a path to success.

Inayatul Mustautina 
The ephemeral nature of this world makes people neglect the importance of learning the knowledge of the akhirah first. What is required and emphasized is the akhirah rather than the world which is certainly a forgetfulness, misery and only temporary
Any kind of her life. That inspired me. She was really kind and very good at building a personality like to get ridha Allah first for akhirah knowledge. Getting any kind of experience such as like; 

• Motivation to take the bachelor's degree in Quranic Science and Tafsir (IAT) and the master's degree in Quranic and Hadith Studies (SQH) Jakarta
Since childhood, she likes to study Islamic knowledge, especially in studying the Quran. Because of that, she decided to go to an Islamic boarding school. there she met a woman who had memorized 30 chapters of the Quran. She was very impressed with her, so she motivated her to study the Quran more deeply. To support this, she decided to take a bachelor's and master's degree in the field of the Quran.

• Best achievement of her
She got the Cumalude predicate and became the best and fastest graduate with the Masters's Degree at Uin Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta

• About current daily activity
After graduating with a master's degree, she was busy working and deepening her academic skills. And now, after getting married she was hectic teaching the Quran and taking care of the household, exploring new skills and deepening them, such as cooking, etc.

• Because she looks hectic, then doesn't forget to spend her vacation
One of her hobbies is traveling. She likes spending her time off with her family of the many trips she has been on, the staycation on Tidung Island, the Thousand Islands, and Jakarta, is the best. Because now, she is living in Jakarta

Well, an Anniversary. Busy people often forget anniversaries if they don't set an alarm. She likes to make some special moments or celebrate.
She was a married lady who appreciates and is grateful for the good things that she gets in life, even if it looks like a small thing. so in her opinion, celebrating a birthday or achieving something is important, so that she can move better, be more passionate, and be more grateful. And to remember, that celebrating something doesn't have to be luxurious and useless, but useful, for example giving alms, eating with family, or buying something needed.
That's all any kind we should and we take an important thing from her experience.

Aku dan Bahasa Cintaku

Aku dan bahasa cintaku   Aku mengkategorikan kamu sebagai pemilik seluruh hatiku   Aku dan bahasa cintaku   Aku akan menulis banyak kesan te...