Religion is referred to as a system that regulates beliefs and worship of God as well as rules related to customs, and a worldview that connects humans to the order of life, spiritually. The practice of religion can be influenced by local customs. From time to time such as the entry of Islam into the country of Indonesia originating from the East through socialization or da'wah trade raises religion it is something that gradually maintains its faith in a belief. The number of religions that may have organized behavior, especially in the body and soul of the Indonesian homeland makes its diversity. But who knows the majority of religion in Indonesia is Islam which in Islam in Indonesia prioritizes the presence of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah which codifies the procedures of the Sunnah Rosul in order not to be misunderstood. This is guided directly by many scholars such as MUI and NU organizations.
K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari is a homeland figure who founded the NU (Nahdatul Ulama) organization on December 31, 1926. NU is the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia. NU has played an important role in shaping Muslim identity in the country with tolerant teachings. Nahdatul itself means 'rise' or 'move', while Ulama means scholars or religious leaders. In this case, the meaning of Nahdatul Ulama is 'Awakening of the Ulama'. Over time NU has become a spark and foundation for Islam in Indonesia. Of course, other organizations accompany it as well, namely Muhammadiyah, which is not much different from the organization's belief system in Indonesia. However, who would have thought that there are still many other deviant organizations that do not obey Ahlu Sunnah Wal jamaah? As is rampant and the trend in the new era is the deviation in the boarding school in Indramayu, Al Zaytun.
It is known that Al Zaytun is one of the boarding schools led by Panji Gumilang, a religious figure who is directly involved in the education and education of students at the Al Zaytun boarding school. The rise of worship procedures that look strange comes from their official Channel Youtube and also several lectures from leaders who are considered irrational. Resulting in a lot of controversy over heretical teachings in the education of students at the boarding school. The return of students was simultaneous because many parents of students were afraid of the heretical teachings taught by them. The wonder is that this college has been running for a long time.
Deviant issues in Al Zaytun boarding school include:
1. The permissibility of Zina; This was reported from one of the leader's lectures on their youtube channel.
2. Mixing the rows or shaf of congregational prayer between men and women. Whereas this is very contrary to the teachings of Islamic law, except for the difference in shaf
3. The existence of mixed worship when someone who is Christian follows the prayer line with different worship.
4. And the existence of their songs and marches that are known and considered as greetings to Jews.
And many more.
However, the government has not executed the case of religious deviation. Reporting from the college's website Al Zaytun can also be read. As a result, parents who intend to send their children to school to focus on gaining knowledge and also worship become unfocused and even anxious about the teachings explained and given to the students. The importance of re-examining boarding schools based on Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaah is a criterion for education that is more qualified spiritually religious. The recommendation for Islamic boarding schools that are qualified in Islamic religious worship is the East Java region such as; Lirboyo, Tebu Ireng, Al Anwar Sarang, and Gontor.
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